Category Archives: Project Management

Project management philosophies and comments.

Small Details Matter

While cost, time and quality are all factors in implementing any system, forgetting the small details are often what customers remember most.  I will always work with the team and learn any system to make sure we aren’t leaving off … Continue reading

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The measuring stick of a Project

Keeping the top two or three success factors in front of me at all times (posted on a whiteboard) helps me to focus myself and team members on the big picture. This is especially true during the executing phase when … Continue reading

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Team cohesion as a unit

The best feeling for a project manager is when the team to become a single unit.  It is a finely tuned race car team; putting the disparity and blame behind it.  When the effort of the team is channeled in … Continue reading

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The two most important words for a PM

Becoming overwhelmed with information is easy to do as a project manager. I learned a few years ago that I can either manage the influx of information or it will manage me. The two words that I was taught which … Continue reading

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